Discover The Step-By-Step Blueprint To Building a Thriving Email List and Increase Your Profits Starting Today
Beginner0(0 Ratings)
0 Students Enrolled
Last Updated Sat, 28-Aug-2021English
What will I learn?
You will learn how to break through and make a HUGE impact with your email campaign.
You’ll discover how to go about building your own list from scratch and using the very best tools to maintain and manage it.
ou’ll discover how to turn your subscribers into your biggest fans, how to create a real relationship with each member and how to turn those relationships into sales.
How to set up a mailing list with the right autoresponder, landing page builder and more.
How to use advanced features and strategies such as list segmentation and autoresponder sequences.
How to engage your audience more and get them invested in your brand.
Curriculum for this course
4 Lessons
00:00:00 Hours
The Course
4 Lessons
00:00:00 Hours
E-Mail List Secrets
Resource Cheat Sheet
Internet and a laptop, phone or PC
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This Comprehensive A to Z, 12-Part Email Marketing Course Will Guide You From Zero to Endless Subscribers!
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